Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The destructive nature of perpetual titillation

A lot has been made about the dangers of porn and prostitution but very little attention has been given to the constant titillation that men are forced to endure in Western culture, which I believe is the more damaging of the three.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Neglect - how atheism roused the ultimate demon

Following on the heels of the scientific revolution, The Enlightenment celebrated the power of human reason to make sense of the natural world, which undermined faith in our traditional religions. In the euphoria that accompanies success, some suggested that because we could understand the workings of the universe there was no room for God, never pausing to question why God could not be, at least in part, understandable. Even though this non-sequitur was rejected by most enlightenment thinkers, it took root in the popular imagination and spawned atheism. 

Is the universe meaningless?

Influential scientists, like Lawrence M. Krauss, insist that the universe is meaningless, or as Nobel physicist Steven Weinberg put it, “the more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless.”1 Furthermore, scientists have drawn an arbitrary line between the living and the inanimate roughly at the level of the virus, the principal characteristic of a living thing being that it reproduces itself.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Apocalypse – Where is God?

Over my 22 years as a chemist in research at Dow Chemical and DuPont I worked with many scientists and engineers, and although scientists are some of the most interesting and open-minded people that I've ever met, they are prone to dismiss as fantasy any idea that cannot be put to an equation or test. They nurture the quality of objective detachment that is necessary for, and reinforced by, the discipline of science. But this can be problematic when extended to their thoughts and feelings about themselves and their relationships because life is a subjective experience that demands its own language – the language of literature, philosophy and religion.